7. Advances In Scientific Technology

All civilizations shows significant advances in the field of mathematics, astronomy, science and technology. Ancient civilizations had created a wide range of knowledge in mathematics like introducing of their own style of numeric system, developed several mathematical calculations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, different equations and geometric formulas for the perimeter, area and volume of different shapes. 
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In the field of astronomy, ancient civilizations were not at all behind of anyone. Even before the invention of telescopes, having all restrictions within the limits of their own eyesights, they had followed and studied the movement of moon, planets and even stars to help them to predict the formation of eclipses, weather informations, climatic and seasonal changes for their irrigation purpose and also predicted the seasons by watching the constellations of stars etc..
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One of their oldest inventions was the wheel which was used in making of pottery and chariots and also for irrigation purposes. They invented new ideas in metallurgy to create new forms of tools made up of metals and alloys. They also introduced new style of construction techniques to built buildings, monuments, temples bu using bricks. They also built public baths, closed gutters for sanitation technologies. They also had done other scientific inventions like ships, compass, large weapons like cannon and gunpowder.
Image result for ancient civilization public baths and sanitation
Public Bath
Image result for evidences of contribution of ancient history to wheel used for irrigation Image result for evidences of contribution of ancient history to wheel used for irrigation Image result for ancient civilization ships and cannon
Image result for ancient civilization public baths and sanitation
Closed Gutters for Sanitation Purpose
The above mentioned scientific advances in science and technology proved that a civilization not only developed but also provided contributions to surrounding areas and also to their future generations.
