9. Conclusion

Thus a civilization is born and once born immediately begins to destroy itself, which requires a slow process of years. Civilizations have generally ended in one of two ways; either through being incorporated into another expanding civilization or by collapse and reversion to a simpler form. The rebirth of a civilization is in essence the birth of a new civilization with its ideals and values are supported by individuals and households, which form clans and tribes, which negotiate the terms of coexistence and then the cycle repeats.

In our time, we live under the illusion that our present civilization will be permanent, and that the ideals and values are immortal. Civilizations have a beginning and an end in which the history of mankind shows a repeating pattern of coming together as nations, splitting apart, going through periods of barbarism and then again reforming. Such is the cycle of human existence and thereby the existence of civilizations all around the world.
