1. Introduction

The word 'Civilization' comes from a Latin word 'civis' or 'civitas' that is 'citizen' which means one who lives in a city or town. Well, if you've got citizens, then you've got a government to control them and you're moving right along on the path of human advancement.
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Civilization is a complex human society, usually made up of more than one cities, containing highly developed forms of government and social status along with a high level characteristics of cultural and technological development. Early civilizations formed when people began coming together for their urban settlements. To we humans, what matters is our personal and individual security, fulfillment and happiness. Therefore, the purpose of civilization must be to promote and achieve the goal.

Having a shared and long term sense of closeness in language, beliefs and cultural artifacts such as art, literature, music and religion over a large population, then a civilization is important because it defines the parameters of the shared way of life in the area it spans and is the channel for economic as well as personal participation in that society. There are seven characteristics that defines the strength of a civilization. They are :-
>> Cities with stable food supply
>> Centralized Government System
>> Social Status Structure
>> Religious System
>> Highly Developed Culture
>> Advances in Scientific Technology
>> Written Language
