5. Religious System

All civilizations need a religious system that includes god(s), a place of worship and a set of beliefs which explains the forces of nature and their roles in the world, that is; why the things are the way they are and provide the values for living. They believed that gods and goddesses were important to the community's success. To win their favor, priests (religious leaders) supervised rituals (traditions) aimed at pleasing them which gave the priests a special power and made them very important personalities. In early civilizations, Rulers were also claimed that their power was based on divine approval and some rulers also claimed themselves to be divine or godly.
Image result for ancient civilization religious system Image result for ancient civilization religious system Image result for ancient civilization religious system 
While the earliest civilizations were widespread throughout the world, their different religious beliefs had significant impacts on their lifestyles and future civilizations. Trading system helped different cultured people in experiencing these different religions and spread the customs while incorporating their own beliefs which helped them to evolved into the religions we have currently.
